Baidyanath Raktashodhak Bati helps in purification of blood and fortifies the immune system.
- Raktashodhak bati, helps in treating acne and boils. It helps in purifying the blood and detoxifying the body. It also treats skin rashes, eczema, etc. In short, a complete solution for types of skin problems. Get a pimple-free glowing face by using Raktashodhak bati. It is also an excellent blood purifier.
- Ingredients: The ingredients of Baidyanath Raktashodhak Bati are Ananthamoola, Daruharidra, Manjishtha, Gorakhmundi, Triphala, Kutki, Shuddha Gandhak.
- Purpose: The key purpose of Raktshoshak bati is to detoxify the blood. It is beneficial for all skin-related diseases. It removes impurities and purifies the blood completely. It treats eczema, skin rash, pimples, acne, etc.
- Benefits: It helps in purifying the blood. Gives glowing skin. Helps in removing acne and boils. Helps to reduce pimples. Treats skin rashes, eczema, etc. helps in removes all the toxins from the body.
- Dosage: This tonic can be taken once or twice a day, either before or after the meal. A maximum of 2 tablets mixed with lukewarm water is suggested, or as prescribed by the doctor.
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