Baidyanath Loahasav is an Ayurvedic formulation in the form of liquid containing naturally processed iron which can soothe Kapha and Vata Dosha, and helps improve Haemoglobin levels. Baidyanath Lohasav shows beneficial effects in anemic dropsy and ailments of the spleen, boost the digestive power, Metabolism and possesses hepatoprotective action. Anaemia is a common problem especially among females that often becomes the cause of weakness and exhaustion in them. Baidyanath Lohasav is an ayurvedic medicine for Iron Deficiency & Anaemia which is a combination of naturally processed iron, essential herbs and medicinal plants that are helpful in iron deficiency and anaemia. Baidyanath Lohasav (also spelled as Lohasavam) is also helpful in boosting homoglobin levls and achieving weight management goals, i.e. weight loss, by casting off the accumulated fats in the body.
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